九層塔是一年生的植物,非常容易種,植株有綠莖和紫莖兩種較常見又以紫莖的香味較濃,每到 5-10月是盛產季,烹調時以葉片翠綠者佳,葉片變黑時即將腐爛香味已失。
致癌的機轉是 Dose dependance,也就是說,因為致癌物的一再刺激,會造成致癌機會的漸漸提高!
本來,人體有對受損組織(或基因)修補的機制,但是一再的刺激造成突變後,情況就不可逆了!而 Eugenol 的中文名稱就叫做「黃樟素」!
所以,不要再用九層塔煎蛋了 !!
Hey man,
回覆刪除So nothing is healthy to eat in the future. Of course you have to take some risk when
you enjoy those delicious meal.
Jasper Lin
hi pal,
回覆刪除Long time no see you!! I thought you are busy recently for both of your new apartment
and job.
Tell you a news that Johnny will construct his new apartment very soon which he bought
last year. I visit his apartment with him this afternoon and discussed with him about
the design and decoration. So there is another 寒舍 for our future gethering loh!! Ya Ya
How are you recently? Are there any news for your job hunting?
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除Question for you first, is this Blog for us to discuss "article" or "personal issue"?
Maybe others won't understand what we are talking about. Whatever!!
Actually I was very busy on my new apartment in past couple weeks, moving/ onloading/
buying new furniture. Moving to a new place is great, but we have to spend more money
for more spaces.
No news related to JOB recently, do you have any opportunity for me? ha ha ha..
Jasper Lin
Yes, you are right! I made mistake. We better discuss personal issue via mail in the
Job opportunity will be always opened for you. ha ha ha.... By the way, I start to
consider that I may visit you for gathering and my private vacation someday. Wish I can
plan it and make it happen.