在開車的途中, 聽到廣播新聞報導, 國民黨立委江連福要求NCC儘速全面開放機上盒數位頻道, 勿讓民視壟斷機上盒新聞資訊, 剝奪民眾知的權利. 江連福並質疑過去民進黨政府刻意護航, 嚴重剝奪民眾知的權利, 也對其他電子媒體不公平, 呼籲NCC儘速全面開放數位電視頻道。唉! 熊熊另我有雙重標準的感覺!(請先參閱新聞)
要改制數位電視, 除了法規鬆綁之外, 更重要的是需要有線電視業者自己在資金挹注, 技術以及市場策略上, 有更完整的計畫, 才足以為自己擘劃出一片新的大餅出來. 另外, 有線電視業者本身也充斥著矛盾與不安, 一方面希望政府鬆綁, 別管太多, 一方面也對於NCC要求早日數位化的要求, 持保留態度. 其實, 在遍觀數位電視法令的新聞時, 不難發現, 現在因為沒有市場經濟規模, 收視戶不夠, 導致廣告商不願意將預算投資在數位頻道上, 也就跟著讓有線電視業者擔心, 貿然的投資會不會導致血本無歸, 這其實是個雞生蛋, 蛋生雞的問題. 請參閱幾則新聞
相信大家都知道, 台灣媒體的特色, 就是長期都在扮演著為各自支持政黨喉舌的角色, 我同意, 三立與民視可以說是立場偏綠的媒體, 好吧! 勉強把八大也歸類在親綠媒體好了, 但遺憾的是夯不啷噹也只有這3家媒體! TVBS, 年代, 東森, 中天, 東風, 衛視, bla bla bla…等等, 總共不知有幾台, 不只是偏藍/國民黨媒體, 黨營/轉投資媒體, 甚至是中資媒體, 更遑論廣播頻道早就被親藍媒體所霸占, 所有親綠電台也因為法令的關係, 90%都只能在地下發展, 啊這時怎麼不見江連福出來靠腰一下, 說轉來轉去都是在報國民黨的”好消息”, 剝奪民眾選擇的權利, 這樣是不是國民黨刻意護航, 對其他電子媒體不公咧? 所以這只不過是江立委假質詢之名, 行圖利特定財團之實罷了, 然後沒事也要牽拖一下民視.
不過說實在的, 國民黨最厲害的不就是透過教育跟媒體來進行洗腦嗎?
Hey Bro,
回覆刪除What's wrong with you recently, especially after the president
election? Your words or articles full of " Political " shadow a
lot. Are you the one who we know for a long time?
Anyway, politician just like acter, they always change their
role to meet different people requested, so do not be too
serious on their performance, right? Just leave political away!
Jasper Lin
hi pal,
回覆刪除I agree with you. However, I don't think how
you can image that every price is going up and
up even rice and fruit now in Taiwan except
the salary. The only thing I can do is to
complain the government on my blog cause we
can do nothing especially I can't accpet what
they did and will do.
But don't worry. I am not political fanatic. I
will make it neutrally and just truly let you
know what I think. Wish you don't mind I will
keep writing this kind of article. Of cause I
will also share other articles including my
life, job and emotion with you.
hi pal,
回覆刪除by the way, did you find the "beautiful"
pictures somewhere on my blog? that's another
different loh!! ha ha ha.....
Wish you also enjoy them.
Where? I didn't see any " beautiful" photos you mentioned. Are
回覆刪除you sure they are called " Beautiful"? ha ha ha
For the political subject, of course I respect your thought and
way to express your deeply feeling. I just don't want you be so
serious on such issues, all of us should figure out the way to
make ourselves happy. Complaining doesn't help us a lot, I have
did that in my past 30 years. ha ha
Anyway, let's come out the travel plan first!
Jasper Lin
Hi, dude,
回覆刪除Actually I am so worry about we will be united by China
someday according to Mr. Ma and KMT's policy. Because I
don't want to be China or Chinese. I am Taiwanese and
come from Taiwan. Taiwan is my country/nation.
I have no idea why the government wants to move Taiwan
brand every where like diplomacy document and even stamp.
Is Taiwan really that shameful for them?
Anyway, sorry for my complaint and concern. You may try
to think it in US. Because you are in another country now
and may figure out what my point is.
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除Just because of I live in US, I will realize the " Country "
really mean to us. All my colleagues understand that I am from
Taiwan, and Taiwan and China are different countries. But we
live in a earthy world, they will judge everything under "
Economic profit". How many they can get will be the first
priority to them.
Which country they care more? Taiwan or China? You must know
the answer..
to ensure I can explain clearly that I would like to
回覆刪除write in chinese by another article on my blog.