2008年4月24日 星期四




常常在想,為何東方人就非得謙虛、低調或悶不吭聲?自從待過外商公司之後,就發現外國人從來不吃這套!我會做的事、我曾經做過的事、我即將要做的事,即便這事只是我心中的想法,我也都要說出來給大家聽,目的不是為了炫燿或自吹自擂,而是為了讓別人知道你之所以存在在公司的價值、你為公司的貢獻與付出是什麼、你又即將為公司帶來什麼樣的東西!這些你要是不說,是不會有人知道也不會有人感激你的。況且,這些都是展現你的實力與能力的時候,不說,只會讓人不知公司為何要花錢請你來上班,更會在你成功的時候,把一且都歸咎於你是靠巧合、碰運氣或是時機好!反觀之,那些真正靠運氣與巧合而不靠能力與實力的人,是很難在成功之前告訴你,他要做什麼、他會做什麼、他能做什麼以及他如何計畫!尤有甚者,更有人是無法在成功或 review 的時候,告訴你他成功或達到目標的原因為何了!



3 則留言:

  1. Hey Dude,

    How to sell yourself is the most important thing to learn. What did you have and how

    will you make it? Write those down specificly, then we will know how to SELL ourselves

    to anyone. Works for both business or female relationship, right?

    Fortune is not the reason you are successed, but it helps you to achieve the goal

    without too much time wasting. of course, you have had the excellent ability first, and

    aggressive attitude as well.

    Jasper Lin

  2. hi pal,

    How can you left the message just 10 minutes after I finished my article? We have an

    unspoken consensus!! ha ha ha... wish I used the right words.

    I think you knew them what all I have. Aggressive, positive, money-orientated(ha

    sorry!!), sales sense and customer view point. I am actually not better than all of

    you. The most diffrent between us are just attitude and practice. Nothing more! You

    already had them. Maybe it just my attitude are stronger than yours, I guess.

    I felt you are changing and stronger than before as I told you. Don't worry that we

    will see it.



  3. Hey man,

    You know I always read your article on blog everyday, that noticed me concentrating on

    career more and relax for awhile. It's my daily job, ha ha ha..

    All of us have different abilities and backgrounds, that make us to choose different

    life. Never forgot where you from and what you got, then cherish everything you met.

    Jasper Lin
