上個星期天似乎是不錯的日子, 街上看到滿多新娘車到處跑, 家裡也收了兩張喜帖, 於是就替爸爸去吃了一頓好久沒吃的辦桌喜酒, 感覺真是不錯咧!
喜宴的場地是在松山一家知名的廟宇奉天宮舉行, 新郎長得很像頭髮少少的好友賈師伯, 新娘長的挺可愛的, 身材也很好, 桌上的美味佳餚也還算不錯啦! 但這些都不是重點, 重點有兩個: 第一, 婚宴的演唱竟然請到了85歲的老牌台語歌星鄭日清, 一連帶來3首歌曲! 真是太誇張了! 風趣的談吐, 紅潤的臉色, 完全看不出他已經85歲高齡了, 而且還能自在的跳出恰恰小舞步, 真是令我既驚訝又開心, 希望自己也會一直像他這麼樂觀, 活潑, 開心.
第二咧! 其實就是好久沒看到的歌舞團啦!!!! 有一兩位小姐唱的不怎麼樣, 節奏感也差, 舞步更是完全沒踩在TEMPO 上, 惟一可取的是小姐換衣服很快, 身材很好. 哈哈哈!!!但我仍覺得很有趣也很開心, 因為好久沒吃辦桌, 也好久沒看到舞台秀了, 那種親切感跟吃大飯店完全不一樣喔!
跟大家分享一些照片, 尤其是那些沒吃過辦桌的朋友, 有機會一定要去吃喔! 另外, 照片若有侵權的地方請多包涵並請通知我, 我會盡速把他取下的!
Hey man,
回覆刪除I got more hair than him, do I?? ha ha ha... And my sweety is much much more beautiful
and awesome than her, come on...Totally different..
So you become to join " Old-Man " group activity, did those spicy girls take off their
clothes and dance on your leg? You must love it, it should be the reason you would like
to go instead of your father, right?
Wedding party is always with happy and fun, but key lesson is how to manage the
marriage with each other, right? We all still learning and acuumulating our experience.
ha ha
Jasper Lin
Hi pal,
回覆刪除Good to hear that you have more hair now!! I apologized. ha ha ha...
I "am" old man not just "become to join" old man group. Those spicy girls took off
their bikini and just worn underwear and underpants. Damn hot!! I can't put those
photos on my blog as those are only for adult. In addition, hot girl is always not my
style. Just for watching loh!
You are right, we are all still learning. However, the different thing between us is I
was flunked. I do believe that you will pass it and get your own degree.
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除You can send those " HOT " photos to our mail box, we can take it. ha ha More Hair?
Good question? Do I? hee hee!! You also have that day soon, just later than me loh!
I won't call it was flunked, it's just a pre-study for you to understand which lesson
is suitable to you. I am not been sarcastic, there are still many ways to achieve your
degree. And there will be no " Shortcut " for us, accumulating more experience before
you register in another class. I know you can understand what I mean, right? go go go!
Jasper Lin