有些事現在不做, 這輩子都不會去做了!
今天晚上看了一部紀錄片, 片名是2006年單車環島日誌---練習曲, 內容是描述一個年輕人獨自完成單車環島的過程, 以及他在過程中所遇到的人, 事, 物, 當然也包括他的一些感想.
對照於現在單車的流行與單車環島的受歡迎, 環島說真的並不算是什麼值得歌功頌德的事, 但嚴格說起來, 那仍然是對體力, 耐力與毅力的一大挑戰, 所以也不能算是簡單的一件事. 但我想與大家分享的是什麼? 如題”有些事現在不做, 這輩子都不會去做了!!” 對於這個話題, 你曾認真的去想過嗎? 你可曾真正的思考過有哪些事是你想去做, 但卻總是為自己找藉口與理由, 阻止你繼續下去? 你可曾在想過之後, 真正的去讓夢想實現呢?
人都有惰性, 也都會為自己找藉口! 光說我最近的例子吧, 我在1個月前招集了幾個要好的朋友, 鼓勵大家在工作之餘成立一個讀書分享會, 倒不一定是要讀書, 最大的目的在於分享與意見交換. 不論在工作上, 生活上, 感情上, 甚至是對於未來的夢想, 規劃與藍圖的討論, 進而督促彼此往實現夢想的方向邁進. 但很可惜的是, 這樣的聚會活動在舉行了2次之後便無疾而終了. 當然我能理解也許每個人喜歡跟在意的事不同, 所以我並非責怪誰或抱怨誰, 問題在於, 連這種不費力氣, 單純的相互激勵與經驗交換的聚會聯誼都很難有執行力的時候, 我們如何期待其他的事情能成功, 尤其像單車環島這樣具挑戰性的活動!
06年的我給自己定下一個目標, 要在07年的暑假橫渡日月潭
, 這老實說對其他人也許不是件大事, 但對於要從一個不會換氣, 不會游泳, 只在踩得到底的地方才敢游泳的我來說, 還真的是一個大目標! 於是我開始每週日下午到朋友家的社區游泳池練習, 從一次游不到10公尺就必須站起來休息, 一直到可以游完一個25公尺的水道, 再到可以不間斷不休息的游完來回40-50趟(因為橫渡日月潭的距離是3300公尺, 大約是60趟25公尺水道的來回), 一直到我當天挑戰成功! 還是那句話, 這個活動本身沒什麼了不起的, 但重點是在那個堅持的過程, 與必須完成的使命.
再回到今天的話題, 其實我就是希望能完成有些必須趁年輕(雖然我已不年輕), 或趁還有體力的時候才有辦法完成的事, 於是我決定一年其碼給自己定下一個目標去達成, 而今年的目標就是最夯的單車環島, 於是我開始訓練自己的體力與耐力(詳情請見我與小黑的歩鍊之旅
). 也許在我離開人世間以前, 仍然會有很多我想完成卻不一定完成的了的事, 但我一定會盡我所能的去實現他, 因為你永遠不會知道明天與意外哪一個會先到!
我親愛的朋友們, 好好的思考這個問題”有些事現在不做, 這輩子都不會去做了!” 想愛誰? 想做什麼? 想實現什麼願望? 想成為歌星? 想清楚之後, 勇敢努力的去實現你所想的與所追求的, 不要到終老或臨走前留下任何遺憾, 因為, 你值得在你自己美好的生命歲月中, 留下一些回憶與足跡! Vivian, 我愛你, 老爸老媽, 我愛你們!! 台灣, 我來了!!
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除Regret? Hum! what a sad word we use frequently..Why we feel regret? The
result was not what we imagined or we can not accept the result, you will
feel regret when there is a "GAP" happened, right? Do A, then get B is
always correct? Not really, sometimes do A will get C or D. But remember
one thing, you have to " DO A " first, otherwise you will never knew what
you get.
Recently I read a book that introducing the thought between Rich people
and poor people, share partial with you. About achieving goal, rich people
always find the ways to solve the problems they met, but poor people
always focus on the excuses and problems to stop themselves moving
forward. Poor people just can see the tough parts, then they stop doing
anything until someone help them to figure out the way. Solve it right now
or waiting for someone to help you is the difference between rich people
and poor guys. Are you a rich people or poor people? ha ha ha...
Yo man,
回覆刪除That's why I say that go to Hawaii asap. We always be stopped by those
excuses we created, are they really so serious to you. I don't think so...
Compromised! We do it everyday, even just choose what kind of meal for
your dinner. Have you ever ordered a meal without checking its price first
at restaurant?? Or you always pick the meal under a limited price?? For
example, you do desire to eat steak, but the high price amke you to choose
Chicken eventually...see. understand what I mean???
Dear Pal,
回覆刪除The regret was to other pals like Jxxxy, Txxxy and Axxx. ha ha ha...
sure, I understand what you mean. So I pay more attention to the change of the original
myself. Think as a rich man and do as a rich man. In addition, I sent a mail to Vivian
to say sorry and let her know what my thought is in the past 2 years. I also invite her
to the Hawaii trip. See!! I understand what you say and I changed a lot.
Anyway, I will do more and learn more till I die. Wish we can make Hawaii trip happen
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除Way to go! As your topic, just do it, otherwise you won't do it anymore.
Nobody know the rsult until you did do it, right? That's what I say that
you have "nothing" to lose between you and her.
It's your own life, no one has the right to instruct you at all, and you
have had enough experience to take it. Or I should say that at least you
will earn some experience after doing. So now I have a same question for
you. Will you go with her if she decided taking the job offer in
Singapore? ha ha ha...
Hey, nobody should say sorry to your relationship, because both you didn't
make any mistake. You guys just didn't have enough time or experience to
handle that, right? Go ahead to express what you thought, the worse
situation is nothing returned as always, right? ha ha ha.. Good job man!