自從馬先生就任之後, 比爾王一方面不斷的在觀察他是否能兌現他競選時所提出的政見及支票, 二方面觀察他施政的效率, 反應與態度, 三方面則是比爾王最擔心的與中國的關係, 因為他在競選時一場燒成灰都是台灣人的談話, 讓我著實感動不已, 所以一定也要來驗證他到底是說真的還是說假的! 結果, 當然令我感到失望囉! 國防, 外交, 政治, 經濟等總統該負責的事, 沒有一件令我放心跟滿意的. 因為有太多主題可以說, 那今天我就來說說”鎖國”好了, 因為從民進黨執政以來, 最為藍軍詬病的就是把阿輝伯的戒急用忍與對中國投資限制的把關, 並將其視為鎖國政策.
定義:關門自守, 不與外界接觸的一種外交政策.
原因:1. 基於保障傳統文化
2. 保障本國經濟, 避免外來力量影響
影響:減少於外界接觸的機會, 以及減少國際衝突.
再來個圖解鎖國好了, 所謂出不去也進不來, 是謂鎖國! Sorry, 比爾王只會用小畫家, 也只有小畫家能用, 請多包涵!
如果從圖來看, 我們並沒有鎖國啊! 好, 現在清楚了鎖國的文字與圖案定義, 我們就來看看, 到底戒急用忍算不算鎖國?
我們不能否認的是, 從民國60年代起的台灣經濟起飛是由國民黨的孫運璿先生所領銜主演的, 當時, 有許多中小企業主, 帶著一只皮箱, 即使不會說英語也全球到處飛, 一方面找原料供應商, 另一方面也同時開發國外買家, 於是創造了當時台灣經濟的榮景. 讓我們看看經濟部所公佈的資料, 從2000年到2007年民進黨執政時期對中國的出口貿易數據, 以及投資狀況.
表1是從2000年到2007年, 這8年來台灣對中國的進出口貿易, 每年均呈現2位數的成長, 啊這樣叫鎖國?
表2是各國在中國的投資狀況, 不好意思, 經濟部網站只提供2005及2006年的資料, 但光這2年台灣都分別位居中國投資排行榜的第六名與第七名, 而且當中我相信, 有很多是國內企業為了逃避查緝, 透過第三地如維京群島或開曼群島所做的轉投資, 啊這樣叫鎖國?
表3是過去8年台灣對日本, 美國及中國的進出口貿易總值及入出超狀況, 我們不難看出台灣對中, 港的貿易出超不只遠大於對美國的, 甚至是數倍於美國, 且呈現倍數的成長, 這還不包括國內企業經第三地的轉投資喔! 我們馬先生竟然還要放寬國內企業投資中國上限, 從40%增加到60%, 且還要開放12”晶圓廠到中國投資. 我們已經清吃都不夠了, 還要曬干! 啊這樣叫鎖國?
以上資料都是從經濟部國貿局的公開資料查詢所得, 只有做一些格式與整理的編排, 完全可受公評, 歡迎自行查詢.
由此可見, 台灣不只沒有鎖國, 更幾乎是呈現開放的局面! 當然啦! 如果一定要像國民黨和馬先生的定義的話, 我們是只對中國鎖而已, 但數據卻又告訴我們並沒有對中國鎖, 所以到底是誰說謊咧? 好了, 言盡於此, 只希望所有國民不分藍綠, 都能好好思考國內經濟是否真的只能靠綁住中國, 才得以存活? 剩下的就下次再談吧.
感謝版主的分享,並對板主對釐清真相的用心表達支持之意~ ^0^
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除Just tell me what happened to Taiwan econimic in the past 8 years? There
must be something wrong with the policy or strategy, right? Just give them
some time or credit to execute their " Words". If they were still sucks,
you can pcik someone else later, right?
By the way, I didn't hear you complaining the ex-goverment in past few
years, did they do well??? You know the answer for sure! Anyway, just take
easy and enjoy your life.
hi dude,
回覆刪除I also complained about some poor performance of ex-government. You can see my
article "從業務的角度看民進黨的敗選" But I finded some evidence proved that KMT and media
lied us that DPP was not that bad as they said in the past.
The most important is KMT too close to China. You have Taiwan TV so you can find all
policy is rely on China(travel, the open up of electronic like 12" semicon, national
defence...) For economy, the price increase of petroleum several times. He also
increased water, electric, gas, fertilizer... It came with serious inflation.
We are different polictical tendency. But I am not that abusive man. I need to monitor
his policy expecially I don't want to reunite with China. Please respact my right to
deliver my political view point and what evidence I got.
Anyway, I will keep writing it in my blog. Please just ignore if you don't like them. I
will also post other articles. Wish you still like to visit my blog. ha ha...
Hey Dude,
回覆刪除You misunderstand my last mail, I mean that you never complained to us
about the ex-goverment when they are still on duty. You just judge them
after they losing the election. By the way, I totally respect your right
for the " political issue ", and I don't want to persuade you anything.
Just share the other point I got.
For the economic subject, I have some questions for you. Have you every
study the difference between Taiwan and other countries( Korea, Japan or
US). For example, some American people said that they won't buy the
products from China, but can they? NO, it's the worldwide economic
environment, you can not stop it, right? Hey, not only Taiwan increasing
the living cost, every country was impacted by the high gas price as well.
In US, gas station change the gasline price " EVERYDAY", why so many
Taiwanese complained the frequency of price change.
Yo Man,
回覆刪除Tax-Return, I just can share the US experience, because I also get this
benefit this time. For Asia people, we will take the extra money for
saving, but Americans will spend it right away. The consumer behavior and
economic habit for American and Taiwanese are totally different, so Taiwan
may not apply the same policy. I don't know which one is good for Taiwan (
tax-return or increase internal development), but I think tax-return will
be not helpful for Tiawan economic. Ask yourself the question, what will
you do if you get the tax returned??? save it, right?? ha ha ha..
As for gas price, all station change the unit price everyday, of course
they will lower down their price by worldwide Oil price. Can Taiwanese
accept the gasline price be adjusted( higher or lower) everyday? If no,
please shut up. Please do not just ask goverment using same policy as
other country, but the people never treated us like other country did.
Hey man,
回覆刪除Due to the words limited, so I need to post my words separately. I just
care about the economic issue, so let's discuss it only. And it will be
also impacted me if we move back to Taiwan in next couple years, right?
And Taiwan is my country, so I wish it can be strong and aggressive.
If your country were strong enough, the rest countries of the world will
respect you and give you a lot of space to join any kind of international
orgnization. I won't say that, but I do observe that happened to
Taiwanese. DO NOT judge or criticize everything by " Island View", think
big and do big. As we discussed many times, do not judge anybody if you
don't have the same experience. I never thought my " view " was so narrow
until moving to US, it's really difficult to explain. But you can tell the
difference if you have chance to live somewhere away Taiwan.
By the way,
回覆刪除We still have lots of topic can talk like my bike trip article to Keelung. Did you see
that funny place name on the bus station? Now my plan/schdule is almost done these 2
days. It will be scheduled from 30 Aug. to 5 Sept(or 6 Sept). I will post it these few
days to share with you and others. Please give me some suggestion if you have any idea
Hey Bro,
回覆刪除Did you really understand what am I talking about? I didn't ask you to "
Shut up". I said that if those guys can not accept the price adjusted
everyday(either higher or lower), then keep quiet. Because they can not
just foucs on the part they like. Hey, please re-read my words again.
Sigh! Sigh! What time period do you expect, adjusting everyday or once a
week. The frequency( weekly) can really react the oil price, right?
I think I should write Chinese in the future, otherwise you always
misunderstand what am I talking about. Taiwan is a country was not a "
Island View". I said that we have to judge the " ECONOMIC ISSUE" by "
WORLDWIDE VIEW". Not just stand in Taiwan, then tell everybody how the
world working, right? To cooperate with other country is the most
important to " Improve" our own economic environment, right? No matter
what countries they are.
Hey man,
回覆刪除Too many people judge and criticize policy by " COLOR", it's not correct.
Let's discuss the topic by different " view" or " experience".
Last question, are you afraid of China? How come you concern any policy
related to China? Or you just concern the history connection between
Taiwan and China. Don't forget that I am also a Taiwanese, both my parents
are Taiwanese too. Racial problem should be stopped in our generation, do
you agree? Or we should STOP discussing this topic anymore. ha ha ha
Hi dude,
回覆刪除I am not sure the misunderstanding was because of my poor english or other
reasons. ha ha ha...
Actually I am not affraid of China. I just don't want to be part of China
and don't want to have any connection with China because they are bad
country. It doesn't matter with the history.
I think my concern is because of the political people's behavior and their
policy. It will not be the issue if they didn't that close to China. I
will be friendly to China if China does the same as well. The racial
problem is not problem to me. Most people still deny to say they are
Taiwaness. That's the problem-nation identification.
As I said that I am not that kind of "color" man. I just extremely
emphasize that we are absolutly an independent country. We have right to
attend/join any group or international organization without oppression.
Just that simple.