Having studied beautiful Chinese poetry over the summer, I feel very strongly against the abolishment of traditional Mandarin in the UN. Chinese developed as a pictorial language, using the complexities and beauty of nature's reality as a means of communicating in just as beautiful and complex ways.
Even if you do not read and write--perhaps even speak--Chinese, please sign this petition. It means a lot to me, as well as hundreds, thousands, and millions of people around the world who want their voices hard.
Let us speak for them. Let us speak for our language.
聯合國決定於2008廢除繁體中文,為了保存我們的文字,請上網投反對票! 請大家花一點時間到下方網頁投下反對票,為我們自已的文化盡一份心力吧.. 如果聯合國決定了廢除繁體中文,我們今後幾乎都得學簡體字, 想想我們老祖先數千年前留給我們的姓名也將因簡體而變形,華文文化遺產的摧毀不僅發生在中國,也行將全世界,可能以後要讀繁體字只能在日本,多諷刺呀!千萬別讓中國人得逞啊!
請將這封信盡力寄出去,為了反對聯合國決定於2008廢除繁體中文的決定,請上網投票(現在全球才47萬多人投反對票….要加油 !.... )請大家上網去投票吧,謝謝 !
1. 點下方網頁 http://www.gopetition.com/region/237/8314.html 進入
2. 滑動轉軸到網頁下方, 點Sign the petition. 填寫資料
3. 送出即成
4. 轉寄給其他朋友
基本上 這是網路上流傳非常久的假消息
回覆刪除因為很簡單 文字的存在是因為有人的使用 沒人用 自然會消失!!!
聯合國的網頁老早就是簡體中文了 除此之外 遑論它有廢除你我使用的效