2008年4月5日 星期六






4 則留言:

  1. Hey Dude,

    Past will be passed, and news will be coming. You know what I mean, right? Good excuse

    to throw those memory away. Let them posted in the history, do not keep taking them

    with you. Good luck for everything!

    Jasper LIn

  2. hi pal,

    Long time no see you!!

    Come on, I just don't want to let my cell phone go as I am a frugal man. It was a gift

    which my brother gave me.

    How's your job and new plan? I feel there will something change soon no matter in your

    side or Taiwan. I don't know!! Just my feel.

    Wish we all good.


  3. Hey Buddy,

    Ha ha ha... Did you recover everything yet?

    My Job and Plan? Nothing special, keep the general life as I did in past two years.

    what do you mean about " something change soon"? You mean there will be something good

    happened to you? Anyway, everything happened for reason, so just enjoy it!

    Best Regards

    Jasper Lin

  4. katherine14/4/08 01:50

    same to me...

    I just finished my Germany trips and try to against jet-log now

    only one thing can let you feel better during such kind of long business

    trips...it is you met a lot of colleague from each country and learn a lot

    of idea of technicial or business skills

    but it is real exhaust after long flight and took a lot of germany food

    and beer...;-))
