2008年5月24日 星期六


最近看到李慶安的美國籍的新聞之後, 突然覺得, 身為一個有理想, 負責任的知識份子,  應當需要在質疑或批評別人時, 盡可能的攫取完整及正確的資訊來作為佐證, 以免淪為情緒性的謾罵或避免被以挑動族群或意識形態來指責. 於是, 我除了看遍所謂的統報與獨報後, 再到美國國務院的網站找了這兩個網頁供大家參考.



我英文是沒有很好啦! 但我看了也知道, 要放棄美國籍, 不是像李委員說的那麼簡單, 況且要是真的放棄了, 也足以有可供佐證的文件來證明她已非美國籍. 所以囉! 

只是我更好奇的是, 第一, 怎麼沒人再回頭問問馬總統這個問題咧? 第二, 國民黨的諸公們怎麼對李委員跟對馬總統的態度跟標準不一樣啊? 呵呵...

不要再說什麼泛政治化了! 我只希望為我服務的公職 人員, 都能誠實, 都能不貪污, 不管藍綠, 犯罪有錯就該抓, 就該下臺! 有需要解釋的地方, 就要說清楚, 不要硬凹, 更不要一被觸動到神經就說別人挑撥族群, 意識形態. 共勉之.

6 則留言:

  1. Hey man,

    For the Green card and US citizen, they have totally different requestd

    and rights. Of course they have different procedure to abandon. About the

    green card of Mr. MA, his explaination is correct and acceptable. But for

    the US citizenship of Miss Lee, I don't think so, she need to go through

    couple process to abandon this " Passport ". ha ha ha...

    Anyway, do we all treate anyone with same way, of course not. It's not

    fair in the world, but be honest is the most important.

    Jasper Lin

  2. right! that's what I thought. be honest is the only way.

    BTW, I think you knew already that Ping will leave 3M in June. Everyone quite 3M.



  3. Hey man,

    Quit from 3M or " G6 ", or we should say " EMMD ". ha ha You definitely

    understand what am I talking about, right?

    By the way, I just surf Alex's blog, he got much more photos than. Even

    some of them are boring and ugly derssert photo, but at least there are

    something new, Please post some as you can.

    Recently I am thinking to plan a " Old-MEN " trip to somewhere in the

    world, do something crazy( I mean explore the nature ). Are you in? No

    supposed schedule and place yet. Let's do some brain storming.

    Jasper Lin

  4. As mentioned that I will put some new photos in the future. Don't push me.

    I totally agree with your idea. However, I am interested why you have such

    idea? Something happen or you just became a old man? ha ha ha...Just let

    us discuss what plan you have.

    Actually I plan to visit Peng Ho, King Men or Green Island again alone.

    Try to be a backpacker. But you know it has to make some homework before

    the trip. So I am still collecting the information now. Will you join me?

    ha ha ha... too expensive for you to come back loh!!


  5. Hey man,

    Why? Just because a movie have me this idea, that 4 mid-age men ride

    motorcycle to explore mid-US. Then they met something special and refresh

    themseves as well. So I am thinking to have this kind of trip before some

    of us have carzy kids with them. Due to Hawaii trip might be more suitable

    for couples, how about have a trip to Canada or Europe? Around 7 days,

    maybe we can combine couple days skiing. Anyway, it's just a roughly idea,

    you can also come out some great ideas too.

    Jasper Lin

  6. ok. Let's do the brain storming. I will let you know via mail once I have some of it.

