2008年6月5日 星期四

Juno 觀後感

真高興我的選擇是對的! 昨天晚上九點十分去看了一直想看的一部小品電影”Juno 鴻孕當頭”, 真的是給他獲益良多!

其實是被電影的廣告所吸引, 加上我本身就是一個喜歡搞笑的人, 而且他的劇情不同於一般院線片的大製作, 大卡司, 所以讓我不由自主的被吸引住. 劇情我想就不需我再描述了, 其實我看完這部電影後感觸還滿多的, 主要是來自於東西方文化的差異. 一開始是女主角Juno知道自己懷孕時的態度, 與整個處理和面對的過程, 不禁讓我感受到東西方強烈的對比, Juno是自己先找到解決的solution後, 再用很誠實與負責的態度告訴父母. 接著, 就看到他的父母不只沒有嚴厲的責怪她, 反而是用正面積極的態度來面對這件事情時, 提醒Juno注意身體保健, 注意要申請領養的對象等等, 更帶著她去拜訪欲領養的夫妻, 這是多麼不一樣的教育與態度! 我們不難發現, 在東方人的世界裡, 或著是說華人的世界裡, 父母在小孩心目中永遠都是嚴厲的形象, 所以小孩自然而然在發生事情之後, 會以逃避的方式來面對, 想當然爾! 這一切就會變得一直惡性循環下去, 親子間交相責難, 關係自然難以改善.

另外在片中我所學到的是各種不同關係之間的相處, 夫妻之間, 父女之間, 繼母與前妻所生的小孩之間, 同學之間以及男女朋友之間, 片中都以詼諧正面的手法來傳遞一些訊息, 這也是我覺得他值得我們進戲院的原因. 片中有機段是我印象非常深刻的, 有一幕是繼母帶著Juno去作產檢, 超音波師當著她們母女的面批評著未婚懷孕有多遭, 當中夾雜著一些鄙視與責難, 這時這位繼母便以嚴肅但幽默的方式刮了這位超音波師一頓, 幽默但帶有辱罵的對白, 聽了真是令人捧腹大笑, 但也告訴我們, 人千萬不要以管窺天, 以為自己知道的就是全世界! 另外一段, 則是當Juno感覺那對欲領養的夫妻婚姻出現問題時, 她的爸爸用類似朋友的方式, 且用自身的經驗開導她, 讓她得以在困頓的感情漩渦中得到一絲啟發, 多麼令人感動的對白與畫面.

看完這部片子走出戲院的時候, 我除了回味剛剛有趣的橋段, 以及想趕快回家將感想分享給大家之外, 我更期待未來的我能以這種方式教育我的小朋友, 如果我可以有的話! 當然更重要的是, 我想借Juno寫給凡妮莎的一句話給我最愛的人.

Dear Vivian,

If you still in, I am in.


12 則留言:

  1. Hey man,

    Don't worry, we are all in! ha ha ha...

    Jasper Lin

  2. you fuck man! I don't want to let you in. ha ha ha...


  3. Hey,

    Dirty words.....what a great blog with such kind of word on it..

    In case you won't receive any respond from her, so I do you a

    favor to give you an answer. Sigh! Sigh!

    Jasper Lin

  4. sorry for my dirty word. you know me, always joking!!

    Also thanks for your favor. Sigh! What a poor Bill. ha


  5. So is she in? go asking her.. The best way to get your answer

    is touching base her directly! Come on, cold calling is the

    basic requested for a Sales Guy like you, right? Especially

    it's not a cold calling, you did have ever " deliver" something

    to her in past coupld years. Just re-build the relationship

    with your customer, maybe introduce some new products to her

    again! And offer the lower price as well, ha ha ha because you

    are elder with low energy now. hee hee hee..

    Jasper Lin

  6. It's not an encouragement! But I will definitely do it

    someday for sure. You will see. Let's start to plan

    the Hawaii couple trip. hee hee...

    By the way, any trip plan for you as you mentioned



  7. Hey man,

    Who will come with you for Hawaii trip? ha ha.. Actually I have

    some ideas on my mind already, two options I got now. Canada

    and Italy? We can add the ski activity( 3 days ) into Canada


    Depends on how much and how many days you guys would like to

    spend, I think 10 days is the basic requested. And 4 people

    will be a perfect number. Are you sure that there will be

    someone joinin us?

    What date will Alex get married?

    Jasper Lin

  8. 18 Oct. Sky brother's wedding.

    I will try to get Vivian to go with me. Both of your

    plans are all good for me because they all I never

    visit before. So just let me know your idea or detail


    Fot sky brother and Johnny or others, I have no idea

    whether they will interested or not. Maybe check with

    them when it really be scheduled. How do you think?


  9. Dude,

    I have listed down all my plan on the mail which sent to Alex, please take

    time to check it out. You know that group memebers are very important to a

    trip, so make sure their thought before any plan will be a good idea.

    Jasper Lin

  10. Hi dude,

    I just checked it. You really did well. Tell you what that we had a learning/sharing

    club last Friday and will have it every 2 weeks. I will discuss with them about your

    plan. Thanks for the arrangement.


  11. Hey Man,

    What's club you got? Learning and Sharing club?? Anyway, who are the

    members? I think you won't get any positive respond until the time is


    Actually there are too many things we can not control, especially for

    those guys who " HAVE NOT " get married. Anyway, let's wait and see.

    Jasper Lin

  12. no specific reasons. just sharing for making our better life and better future. The

    members are all who you knew. You may join after you come back loh!!

